Round, clear screw-on top single pencil sharpener with multi-color imprint options and rush service availability. Customizable with a wide range of available imprint colors, with the option for full color digital printing at no extra charge.
See More$0.86 to $1.06$0.63 to $0.78 Area and location:
1-1/4" Diameter
Imprint Method:
1 Color, 1 Location Imprint
Price Includes:
A one-color silk-screened imprint on top of sharpener.
Production Time:
5 - 7 days
Min Quantity:
250 units
1 - 9/16" Diameter
Polybagged, 25/bag
Units per Carton:
250 units / carton
Categories & Themes:
Single pencil sharpener
Clear, screw on top
Note: Imprints will not always line up with direction of sharpener
- Ink Color Match: $45.00 per color, per change. Cannot guarantee exact match on colored surfaces.
- Multi-Color Imprint: Not Available
- Change Ink: $35.00 per change. Must be at least 1/2 of the lowest quantity offered.
- Print Requirements: Smallest Font Size: 6 pt, Line Thickness Minimum: 0.005", Reverse Line Space Minimum: 0.007"
- Multi-location Imprint: Not available
- Imprint Colors: Black, White, Red, Lt. Blue, Med. Blue, Dk. Blue, Lt. Green, Med. Green, Dk. Green, Purple, VioletOrange, Yellow, Maroon, Teal, Brown, Silver, Gold, Lt. Gray, Dk. Gray
- Rush Service: 24 Hour Rush available for additional charge of $125 Limited up to 1000 pieces.
3 Day Rush available for additional charge of $65.
- Ink Color Match: Not available on FCD imprints.
- Multi-Color Imprint: Full color digital printing included in price.