Keep information where it can be most helpful. Place these helpful hanging cards almost anywhere to keep you informed about important health/safety issues. They even have punch-out dots to help you remember important dates and events.
- 10-point Polyart synthetic paper
- Tear and water-resistant
- Double-sided in full color
Breast Self-Exam: Featuring breast self-exam instructions and a chart of leading causes of illness in women. This double-sided, waterproof card hangs anywhere as a handy guide on performing monthly self-exams. It includes perforated punch-out rounds for 12 months of the year to help you stay on schedule.
Early Detection for Breast / Testicular Cancer: This handy, waterproof card hangs anywhere as a step-by-step instructional guide on performing monthly self exams for early detection of breast cancer, or on the alternate side, testicular cancer. The card includes perforated punch-out rounds for 12 months of the year to keep you on a regular schedule.
Prostate & Testicular Self-Exam: Early detection of cancer is the best defense to treating it. This shower hang describes how men can easily perform quick self-exams in the privacy of their homes.
Fire Safety: This sturdy, helpful card hangs anywhere as a tool to help you prevent fires and prepare yourself with a plan in the event of a fire. Features perforated punch-out rounds for 12 months of the year to remind you to test your smoke alarms each month.